

Yog and Dosh

“Meena Nadi” is one of the NADI system of prediction specially practiced in tamilnadu. It deals with stellar position of a planet.  Higher importance is given to  depositors of a planet.  Normally to analyze any bhava we consider bhava planet in bhava and bhava lord. Here stellar lord of these planets…
“Sarvato Bhadra Chakra” is very ancient method of predicting national events like war, good and bad events of king and kingdom. Now a days very rarely used by any astrologer.  Though it has its application for outcome of war, wealth and welfare of state. Can be used for domestic astrology…
Disturbance in married life may occur due to many reason  and may be further detail discussed based on combination.  In general Affliction of Venus in male and Mars in female horoscope If Venus or Mars are deeply afflicted  by malefic or in enemies in rashi or combustby rays of sun…
‘Muhurta’ in astrology very important, birth horoscope itself is a ‘Muhurta’ in which a human is born and entire life reflects on it.. Purpose of ‘Muhurta’ is kaaryasidhi which otherwise seems difficult in birth horoscope. A good horoscope and a bad ‘Muhurta’ can cause lot of troubles likewise a good ‘Muhurta’ can ward off …
‘Kaal Sarp Yog’ is caused when all planets are heamed between rahu and ketu. Normally ‘Kaal Sarp Yog’ is a bad yog where person has sudden fall, troubles and low peace and prosperity even though there are better yog in horoscope. Technically astrology can not be practices in isolation operative Dasha…
‘Sade Saati’ means transits of Saturn over birth rashi. Normally its considered that ‘Sade Saati’ is bad, where lots of disturbance occurs like mental worries change of profession change of residence, losing position defame litigation health issue etc. In true sense Saturn is a great teacher it help us to rectify…
Mars in 1st  2nd 4th 7th 8th and 12th house from Moon causes  ‘Manglik Dosh’.  Few classics says we have to consider from lagna and kalatra karak venus also. Its been said Manglik should marry Manglik  and may cause troubles if he marries non Manglic. Manglik dosh get cancelled if in…
Astrology is not wrong astrologers may be wrong, many a time no one verifies given birth time is accurate or is there any error. With wrong birth time chances of getting right solution is next to impossible. There are lots of secret in NADI astrology to rectify birth time. They take…