

All posts by "Astro Mihir"

Dasha of 3rd 5th and 11th lord indicates change of place for native. It may be for good or bad. It may be due to promotions or transfer. Saturn transiting in 2nd house 7th house 4th 10th house indicate change of residence. Normally Saturn remains in a house nearly 30…
2nd house indicates family and 7th house indicates spouse, Saturn aspect on 2nd house 2nd lord 7th house or 7th lord delay marriage considerably.  Likewise aspect of Saturn on  kalatrakarak  Venus for males and mars for female also delay marriage . in experience its is been found that moon asepected…
To predict various chart are analyzed, commonly used charts are rashi chart navamsha chart and bhava .Rashi chart is considered to be sthoola or macro chart and for fine tuning other smaller division charts are observed. Mathematical calculation of these charts are available in any classical. Rashi chart indicates all…
Natal horoscope indicate what may happen and when it will happen is determined by Dasha. Default dasha considered is vimshotari  calculated based on star of  moon. It goes in predefined way ketu venus sun moon mars rahu Jupiter Saturn and mercury 7 20 6 10 7 18 16 19 and 17 years…
Chinese vaastu is called feng shui. There is difference between Indian vaastu and feng shui.  Vaastu very helpful and best designed for new house or construction, when there is structural changes needed , feng shui can be comfortably applied. In feng shui importance is given to metal water wood fire and…
Gain from speculation is indicated by 5th house 11th house 8th house and planet mercury and rahu. If mercury connected with 5th and 8th with PAC with rahu in tarus or virgo or Capricorn, there is chances of gain from speculation or share market. 8th house indicate sudden gain or…
Predicting about national event is categorized under mundane astrology. Like individual horoscope, horoscope of nation is casted and events are predicted accordingly. There is slight change in method of predictions compared to individual horoscope. In individual horoscope much importance is given to natal or birth horoscope where as in mundane…
Varsh kundali or varshphal is progresses chart of birth horoscope. Importence is given to muntha a progressed lagna a sign by number of year passes,  out of panchadikaris varsesha or lord of year is calculated. Position of munth in bhava, varsesha  and varsha lagna lord, important event in given year…
Vasumati yog is caused when benefics like moon mercury Venus and Jupiter are placed in 3 6 10 and 11th house from ascendant. it is very powerful financial combinations. its efficacy increases when other rajyog present in horoscope. very commonly found in celebrities, and business tycoons horoscope. It is one of best yog because it…
Satrun in 3rd from dashamsha lagna has possibilities of causing serious professional setback. native may have troubles in his career for bit longer time. There may be shut down and re start of business, native may need to change many jobs There may be financial losses too. Along with change in residence…