

All posts by "Astro Mihir"

For Meen Rashi, there is the influence of planets on the 6th 12 house. 6th house indicates sickness expense etc. since the 12th is connected to Shani and being its own house cant harm too much. 12th lord in 12th gives distance travelling. Travelling away from the living place, as on date 12th aspected…
Karak Rashi people will have unexpected financial gain, the reason being 3 planets in 2nd house, house of bank balance, and net revenue. The The 11th house indicates earnings and the 12th  house indicates expense which is left / (savings) indicated by the 2nd house. Whenever any planets transit 2nd house…
For Vrischik Rashi there are chances of job change. Normally when Jupiter and Shani combinedly aspect any Rashi also called double transit, some important events occur to that Bhav. The same thing is now happening for Vrischik Rashi indicating job career mother in law name fame honor etc. All signification of the 10th house is…
It’s a challenging time for makar rashi. Shani is retro, lot of disturbances in money matters. because Shani rules over 2nd house, the house of revenue. Since it’s retro it will cause repeated efforts things not working in one go or first attempt. this may lead to frustration. Frustration and…
New ventures for Vrishchik Rashi   For Vrishchik Rashi people there will be new ventures, and new business deals as sun lord of 10tgh is aspecting lagna. There is double transit of Jupiter and Shani on the 10th house already occurring. Rahu in 6th with Jupiter lord of Finance may…
For Kumbh Rashi people there may be illness to the mother, the reason being many planets in 3rd house. Rahu Jupiter and Mercury are transiting in 3rd house as of now. As per Bhavrth bhava makes the 4th house, the house of the mother as Lagna, mercury happens to be…
There will be disturbances and disputes in the married life of the Vrishchik Rashi people. The matter may escalate to legal actions too. There have been hidden uneasiness and stress in one’s personal life. Reasons may involvements of extended family members’ visits and presence, Grahan in the 6th house is…
Mesh Rashi is involved in two Grahan, first Surya Grahan and then Chandra Grahan recently witnessing a lot of activities at the physical as well as mental plane. There has been an increase in expenses related to domestic matters. There may be a tendency to spend on vehicles or buy…
Makar rashi people are having sade sati, good thing is worst is over and it’s in the last 30-month cycle. Sade sati generally doesn’t cause much damage because Shani turns out to be a rash lord. But do cause some sweating. Added to this Rahu and sun in 4th  may…
For Mithun Rashi people it’s a golden time, they can expect some good fortune and the beginning of a great time. Normally Upachaya Sthana gives a good result, Upachaya Sthana is 3 6 10 11. these are houses of growth. Any planet gives good results in 11th, even malefic like…